Now what I have done here is to rank order a couple of possible interpretations of the title of Dr. Whitten's book and then, based on that ranking, chosen the one that seems the best fit for the author's intent. To review, the proposed interpretations were:
- A bode of confidence to health science students and (perhaps) health professionals that they can perform a life-saving procedure and instructions to do so.
- A proclamation that anyone, no matter who they are or what training they may have, can perform a successful intubation procedure.
As some of you know, my undergraduate degree was in economics (and political science, but the economics side has always proved much more helpful). Economics is the science/art of making choices based on the available information. In order to do this, we have to be able to rank order our choices. This morning, as I helped my now 5-year old daughter put on her shoes we had the following exchange (it will be helpful to know that for her birthday she requested and received a stuffed dalmatian to keep her other stuffed dalmatian company while she was at school):
M: (Looking at her two toys on the floor in front of her) Daddy, do you know which Dalmatian is my favorite?
PB: I guess it is either Dotty or Spotty. Since Spotty is new, I guess it is Spotty.
M: You are right, I love Spotty, but I also like Dotty.
PB: Well that's good. I am glad you like your toys and are grateful for them.
M: Even if I had 25 Dalmatians, my favorites would still be Spotty and then Dotty.
PB: Alright, can we focus on getting your shoes on and getting out the door on time?
My daughter was able to rank order her toys with regard to preference this morning. Her sister, at two, is able to do the same thing at snack time. Yesterday K ate all of her pretzels, then all of her goldfish crackers, then her pears, and only then drank her water. Her rank order preference was easy to see. Rank order preference is either an innate part of being human or something we learn relatively quickly. Either way, it is part of how we operate as human beings.
Now let's zoom out of the two examples above and apply all of this in our life of faith following Christ as his disciples. Lately I have heard a lot of talk coming out of our (soon-to-be-former) denomination, the PC(USA) about celebrating the diversity of many interpretations of Scripture. You can read all about in this propaganda piece aimed at keeping congregations considering dismissal in the fold of the PC(USA). What the PC(USA) presentation fails to do is rank order that diversity of interpretations, claiming instead that all of them are equally valid within a vaguely defined theological perimeter. The emphasis throughout the presentation is on a celebration of diversity, not on seeking truth. "There is room for differing views, dialogue, discussion and discernment," the presentation claims. Again, there is an idea that this should be framed, however loosely by the Reformed tradition, but the greater emphasis is on the celebration of diversity.
There is truth in the statement that Christians have a variety of interpretations of the Scripture, but the proposed course of stating that as a naked fact and then celebrating the variety does not seem wise to me. It seems that there ought to be a way to rank order interpretations, at least, and claim that some are better than others. To be sure, as the presentation claims, we ought to do scholarly work in seeking to interpret the Scripture text and get at original context and other historical matters so we can get a peek at author's intent. This will not, however, reveal the true meaning of Scripture in every instance.
Let's get concrete. In the Gospel according to John, in the midst of a conversation with his disciples leading up to his arrest Jesus stated, "Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6 ESV). For those of my readers who prefer the original language: "λέγει αὐτῷ [ὁ] Ἰησοῦς· ἐγώ εἰμι ἡ ὁδὸς καὶ ἡ ἀλήθεια καὶ ἡ ζωή· οὐδεὶς ἔρχεται πρὸς τὸν πατέρα εἰ μὴ διʼ ἐμοῦ. " (John 14:6 NA27, identical to NA28). Now we can come to a variety of interpretations of what Jesus means by these words. Surely the context of the immediate verses will help to decipher. For instance, it is helpful to know that the context is Jesus going to the Father and claiming his disciples know the way.
Interpretations can then stem from that and vary greatly. While we may not be able to say with absolute definitiveness that this is the correct and timeless interpretation of the text, we should, at least, be able to claim some are better than others. Further, in the case of our example, the Apostle John reveals author's intent which leads us to suspect the ultimate meaning here is that you need faith in Jesus.